I would love to share a glimpse into the beautiful wedding day of Craig & Kayla | January 29th 2016.
It was an incredibly wet, gloomy day. It rained through the morning… midday… afternoon…and it just continued into the night.
The ceremony was moved indoors. Guests were wet. Bridal party got wet. And I won’t lie – I was freaking out a little bit as to how we were going to have success in capturing their formal photos after the ceremony.
Things seemed a little frantic as people got into their places and awaited the arrival of the Bride.
A moment or two passed….
The room began to quieten.
For a while, it was as though time stood still.
The rain no longer mattered.
Worry left.
All that was in focus, was the bride as she entered to greet her husband to be.
Their eyes connected and the tears began to flow.
The emotions of love were running high and you could see already that they would be inseparable.
They have already shared so much together, but this is all just the beginning of their life together.
They exchanged vows to one another and took the next step into their next chapter.
Husband & Wife.
“You may now kiss your bride.”
It was all official.
Petals were everywhere and smiles were being exchanged like they were going out of season.
Happiness burst from the room, their love shone brighter than the sun could have even shone {if it weren’t pouring with rain & cloudy out} & their lives as one was officially underway.
We were blessed with a few moments, well a good amount of moments considering, of no rain.
Grab that bridal party & head on out…
Formal photos were completed with the bridal party and it was time to capture a quite moment between just the newly-wed couple.
It was evident to both myself & Lucy, that love is blossoming from deep within. Little giggles, sweet smiles and many kisses were shared between the two of them.
It wasn’t too long and the rain began to pour from the sky above just once more.
People are always so worrisome about the rain; I am even guilty of that on my own wedding day.
But, what I learnt is this..
What matters most is the story they will live to tell of they day they were married.
The memories that they made.
The people they shared it with.
And the new anniversary to celebrate together.
For years to come they will recall the running of this special day, to their children & their children’s children.
Rain added a new feel, a new texture and a new tale to their ‘Happily Ever After’
Now that all the “official” stuff was out the way, it was time to celebrate with all their guests.
The reception was breathtaking.
It looked straight out of a magazine page or one of those movies where everything is just perfect!
They had done such an outstanding job.
Loud cheers, stories and memories were shared.
Many tears too.
Toasts were made. Cake was cut. Food was enjoyed.
Then the dancing began.
I think the “formality” side of that lasted but a few moments.
Those that know Craig & Kayla know that it is way too much fun when everyone is joining in.
I think the dancing lasted for hours…. and hours.
I know my feet were hurting.
Until, it was time to farewell Mr & Mrs Catford.
A sparkler tunnel was made, laughing and cheers were once more heard.
Within moments they were off into the distance…
It is a day that I will never forget.
And it is a day that I know for sure, will forever be held dear and treasured.
As this was the day two lives became one.
Thank you Kayla & Craig for having me, it was a true blessing.
CLP xx